Liberty Prayer ministry


Interested in serving on our altar prayer ministry? 

Contact Daniel Parsons for more information!


Restoring the Foundations (RTF)

Many Christians believe they are wounded beyond repair and live out their lives thinking they will not receive complete healing of their emotional and spiritual wounds until they go to Heaven. Restoring the Foundations is an integrated approach to healing ministry that helps individuals. As you work with the RTF-trained ministers in a three-hour ministry session, you receive healing, deliverance, and restoration.

Are you curious about Restoring the Foundations (RTF)? Take a look at the testimony video below! If you are interested in participating in RTF or in becoming a trained RTF facilitator, contact the church for more information.

252-441-6592 and ask for Pastor Katherine Hopkins


missions prayer

Missions Prayer meets on the third Sunday of the month in Pastor Katherine's office at 9 am to pray and intercede for our missionaries around the world that we support! We are all called to "go into all the world and make disciples", and while we may not be able to physically "go" at times, we can spiritually "go" and boldly approach God's throne with our prayers for our missionaries to be covered, protected, and provided for while they minister to those in their area!